10. pandas and seaborn: Statistical Plots#

Interpretation of climate data heavily depends on statistical methods, so it is important to learn how to visualize climate statistical information. Although xarray can read netCDF files and plot different types of maps, it doesn’t have built-in methods to support statistical plots such as box plots, regression line plots, density maps. Therefore, we need to use external libraries to create these plots. Here, we introduce the seaborn library. seaborn is a powerful tool for statistical data visualization. The plotting method is very simple but highly functional, and the output diagrams are aesthetic. In this unit, we will learn how to plot with seaborn after performing calculations with xarray.

seaborn mainly accepts .csv files and pandas.DataFrame objects. When passing datasets to seaborn, we need to tidy the data into a structure that seaborn can identify, namely long form and wide form. The data structure accepted by seaborn can be found in the seaborn tutorial page. In this unit, we will focus on how to convert a DataArray/Dataset to a long or wide form pandas.DataFrame and pass it to seaborn. For details of plotting methods and options, see the seaborn official website, which we will not cover in detail here.

Data Structure

Data Structure of pandas#

Like xarray, pandas handles “labeled-data” (In fact, xarray originated from pandas!). Depending on the dimensionality of the data, the pandas data structures are divided into two types: Series and DataFrame.


A Series is a 1-dimensional, labeled array. It can store multiple types of elements. The “labels” are called index in the context of pandas. The method to create a new Series is as follows:

s = pd.Series(data, index=index)

A Series can be created by specifying a data series and the label index. Here is a simple example. More detailed usage can be found in the Pandas tutorial.

import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd 

s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(5), index=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"])
a   -1.538341
b    0.260428
c   -0.999467
d   -0.404520
e    0.528400
dtype: float64


A DataFrame is a 2-dimensional labeled array. It is similar to an Excel sheet. The method to create a new DataFrame is:

df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=columns)

Index is the label for each row, whereas columns is the label for each column.

d = np.random.randn(5,3)
df = pd.DataFrame(d, index=['a','b','c','d','e'], columns=['one','two','three'])
one two three
a 0.312066 0.547977 0.269142
b 0.381498 0.387017 1.601161
c 0.014665 2.131940 -0.909217
d 0.630053 1.009775 0.922236
e 1.251739 0.538616 -0.149302

Or we can create a DataFrame using a dictionary. The keys of the dictionary will be treated as column labels (bom, cma, ecmwf, and ncep in the following example).

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(bom=np.random.randn(10),
bom cma ecmwf ncep
1998 0.841404 -0.296407 -0.591968 -1.519123
1999 0.036797 -0.230799 -0.640525 1.352359
2000 1.112564 0.787573 -1.023185 1.869436
2001 0.951301 1.492301 -1.219619 -1.177986
2002 -0.868670 -0.218609 -0.510641 0.189584
2003 -0.369046 -1.118256 -0.692269 -1.117366
2004 0.573508 1.112475 0.230167 -0.100584
2005 -0.630151 1.322432 0.239550 0.247403
2006 1.585305 -1.136694 -0.105676 -0.765231
2007 -0.062118 -1.985050 0.406856 -1.706546

Read .csv File with pandas#

We can read a .csv file using pandas.read_csv() and convert the file contents to a pandas.DataFrame.

Example 1a: Tsai et al. (2021, Atmosphere) defined “Subseasonal Peak Rainfall Events (SPREs)” as a maximum 15-day rainfall period within a season. The SPRE is a useful index to evaluate extreme rainfall prediction capability in forecast models. In Tsai et al. (2021), they found SPREs in the DJF season for each year from 1998 to 2019 and calculated the percentile ranks (PR) of the 15-day accumulative rainfall amount in both observation and model reforecasts. The difference of PRs between observation and models can be quantified by “root-mean-squared errors (RMSE)”. The CSV sample file sns_sample_s2s_pr_rmse.csv contains the RMSEs of PRs for the SPREs in the BoM and CMA reforecasts in the first 15 days prediction lead time.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("data/sns_sample_s2s_pr_rmse.csv")
Models Lead time (days) Year PR_RMSE
0 BoM 1.0 1998.0 21.78
1 BoM 1.0 1999.0 36.98
2 BoM 1.0 2000.0 7.25
3 BoM 1.0 2001.0 13.18
4 BoM 1.0 2002.0 19.64

Plotting Long Form pandas.DataFrame with seaborn#

The above .csv file is long form data accepted by seaborn. Now we can plot the data.

Example 1b: Plot the RMSEs of SPRE PRs (abbreviated as PR_RMSE in the file) changing with prediction lead time using box plot. The x-axis is prediction lead time, the y-axis is the magnitude of RMSE, and the spread of box is the multi-year distribution of PR_RMSE.

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 100

sns.set_theme(style="white", palette=None)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,4)) 
bxplt = sns.boxplot(data=df,
                    x='Lead time (days)', y='PR_RMSE', 

In the following code, we specify the labels of the x and y axes to seaborn. The hue parameter is used to add a third dimension to the data visualization by assigning different colors to the categories or values of a specified variable.

We can also use the col option to plot on multiple subplots. To do this, we need to use catplot instead of boxplot because setting the col option will plot on a FacetGrid instead of on just one subplot.

sns.set_theme(style="white", palette=None)
bxplt = sns.catplot(data=df,
                    x='Lead time (days)', y='PR_RMSE', 
                    kind='box', col='Models',

Conversion of xarray.DataArray to pandas.DataFrame#


The API reference states that the converted pandas data type is determined by the dimensions of the DataArray.

Convert this array into a pandas object with the same shape. The type of the returned object depends on the number of DataArray dimensions:
0D -> xarray.DataArray
1D -> pandas.Series
2D -> pandas.DataFrame
Only works for arrays with 2 or fewer dimensions.

Example: Scatter Plot and Regression Line#

Example 3: Plot the scatter plot between the Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) Index and domain-averaged rainfall over the Yangtze River Basin (105.5˚-122˚E, 27˚-33.5˚N) during the MJJ season, and calculate the regression line. The WPSH index is calculated based on 850-hPa zonal wind and is defined as

\[\mathrm{WPSH} = U_{850}\left[ (115˚-140˚\mathrm{E}, 28˚-30˚\mathrm{N})\right] − U_{850}\left[(115˚-140˚\mathrm{E}, 15˚-17˚\mathrm{N})\right]\]

This scatter plot allows us to understand the relationship between the two variables (rainfall and WPSH). The two variables are stored in two DataArrays, and they can be merged into one Dataset. Then we convert the Dataset to a pandas.DataFrame so that we can plot with seaborn.

Step 1: Read and select rainfall and wind data.

import xarray as xr
pcpds = xr.open_dataset('data/cmorph_sample.nc')
pcp = (pcpds.sel(time=slice('1998-01-01','2018-12-31'),
<xarray.DataArray 'cmorph' (time: 7670, lat: 26, lon: 66)> Size: 53MB
[13161720 values with dtype=float32]
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 61kB 1998-01-01 1998-01-02 ... 2018-12-31
  * lon      (lon) float32 264B 105.6 105.9 106.1 106.4 ... 121.4 121.6 121.9
  * lat      (lat) float32 104B 27.12 27.38 27.62 27.88 ... 32.88 33.12 33.38
    standard_name:  lwe_precipitation_rate
    long_name:      precipitation
    units:          mm/day
    ver_note:       1998-2020: V1,0; 2021: V0.x.
    comment:        !!! CMORPH estimate is rainrate !!!
uds = xr.open_mfdataset( 'data/ncep_r2_uv850/u850.*.nc',                                       
                          combine = "nested",               
u = uds.sel(time=slice('1998-01-01','2018-12-31'),
<xarray.DataArray 'uwnd' (time: 7670, lat: 7, lon: 11)> Size: 2MB
array([[[  1.6199951 ,   2.199997  ,   3.7700043 , ...,  10.75      ,
          11.020004  ,  10.369995  ],
        [  2.7700043 ,   3.2200012 ,   4.399994  , ...,  10.520004  ,
           8.569992  ,   5.7700043 ],
        [  4.0200043 ,   4.319992  ,   4.75      , ...,   6.869995  ,
           3.7700043 ,   0.09999084],
        [  0.05000305,   0.02999878,   0.02999878, ...,  -2.8600006 ,
          -2.7100067 ,  -3.3600006 ],
        [ -3.380005  ,  -3.2900085 ,  -3.0800018 , ...,  -5.630005  ,
          -4.7599945 ,  -4.630005  ],
        [ -5.2900085 ,  -4.9100037 ,  -4.8099976 , ...,  -6.6100006 ,
          -6.8399963 ,  -7.2299957 ]],

       [[  6.849991  ,   6.6399994 ,   5.5       , ...,   8.169998  ,
           9.75      ,  10.599991  ],
        [  8.669998  ,   7.0899963 ,   5.        , ...,   7.849991  ,
           9.669998  ,  11.099991  ],
        [  6.9900055 ,   5.1900024 ,   3.3399963 , ...,   3.9900055 ,
           4.619995  ,   5.7400055 ],
        [-10.199997  , -12.449997  , -12.220001  , ...,  -6.300003  ,
          -4.75      ,  -3.600006  ],
        [-14.470001  , -15.869995  , -14.449997  , ...,  -9.869995  ,
          -8.770004  ,  -8.169998  ],
        [-15.949997  , -17.270004  , -16.350006  , ..., -11.720001  ,
         -11.169998  , -10.869995  ]],

       [[ -0.19999695,   0.02999878,   0.13000488, ...,   2.649994  ,
           2.7799988 ,   3.        ],
        [ -1.3500061 ,  -2.4700012 ,  -3.2200012 , ...,   1.6499939 ,
           1.300003  ,   0.94999695],
        [ -2.869995  ,  -5.220001  ,  -6.669998  , ...,  -1.0700073 ,
          -1.449997  ,  -1.75      ],
        [-10.199997  , -11.850006  , -12.        , ...,  -7.650009  ,
          -6.970001  ,  -6.050003  ],
        [-14.070007  , -13.949997  , -12.600006  , ...,  -9.619995  ,
          -9.        ,  -8.150009  ],
        [-16.15001   , -14.350006  , -12.25      , ..., -10.720001  ,
         -10.5       , -10.220001  ]]], dtype=float32)
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 61kB 1998-01-01 1998-01-02 ... 2018-12-31
  * lon      (lon) float32 44B 115.0 117.5 120.0 122.5 ... 135.0 137.5 140.0
  * lat      (lat) float32 28B 30.0 27.5 25.0 22.5 20.0 17.5 15.0
    level    float32 4B 850.0
Attributes: (12/14)
    standard_name:         eastward_wind
    long_name:             Daily U-wind on Pressure Levels
    units:                 m/s
    unpacked_valid_range:  [-140.  175.]
    actual_range:          [-78.96 110.35]
    precision:             2
    ...                    ...
    var_desc:              u-wind
    dataset:               NCEP/DOE AMIP-II Reanalysis (Reanalysis-2) Daily A...
    level_desc:            Pressure Levels
    statistic:             Mean
    parent_stat:           Individual Obs
    cell_methods:          time: mean (of 4 6-hourly values in one day)

Step 2 Statistical analysis: calculate area mean rainfall and WPSH index, and select the season we need.

pcpts = (pcp.mean(axis=(1,2))
            .sel(time=~((pcp.time.dt.month == 2) & (pcp.time.dt.day == 29)))
pcp_ptd = pcpts.coarsen(time=5,side='left', coord_func={"time": "min"}).mean()  # 計算pentad mean
pcp_ptd_mjj = pcp_ptd.sel(time=(pcp_ptd.time.dt.month.isin([5,6,7])))
<xarray.DataArray 'cmorph' (time: 399)> Size: 2kB
array([ 4.8970165 ,  7.9518876 ,  6.319289  ,  2.4725406 ,  5.27035   ,
        2.170851  ,  4.783776  ,  3.937529  , 11.973356  , 10.144266  ,
       11.061295  , 13.090139  ,  9.517157  ,  2.0094523 ,  3.4387412 ,
        6.7226806 , 11.502437  , 10.5547905 ,  9.479826  ,  2.9567833 ,
        3.5055594 ,  4.1681933 ,  6.725932  , 11.227705  ,  2.9874592 ,
        2.4019814 ,  4.487879  ,  2.9615617 ,  9.328345  ,  8.361376  ,
       17.8       ,  5.0629954 ,  9.045652  ,  4.8956294 ,  9.328997  ,
        3.7565734 ,  3.8314571 ,  4.111655  ,  0.3021329 ,  3.6132984 ,
        3.5981002 ,  2.3257692 ,  7.2976217 ,  5.5318065 , 13.691736  ,
        7.9762588 ,  4.2428904 ,  3.8893006 , 13.693474  ,  6.9901514 ,
        9.405932  ,  4.689091  ,  6.358776  ,  3.2129135 ,  2.252133  ,
        7.383217  ,  2.8664687 ,  4.964475  ,  4.936305  ,  1.1263635 ,
        2.2311187 ,  2.2804198 ,  4.0579023 ,  8.117238  ,  6.8227034 ,
        5.0488696 ,  8.666551  ,  5.666422  ,  4.5268536 ,  3.3424478 ,
        3.6482053 ,  6.963858  ,  1.558951  ,  3.8080535 ,  2.550478  ,
        5.6249647 ,  9.637308  ,  6.783858  , 12.585258  ,  4.844767  ,
        1.3790094 ,  4.6789045 ,  1.5510608 ,  7.1460257 ,  5.1195927 ,
        7.1560845 , 12.34908   , 12.694429  ,  3.5173545 ,  2.4259324 ,
        0.28142193,  9.145932  , 12.452902  ,  4.6736712 ,  5.1581006 ,
        6.8205705 ,  4.7389283 ,  9.617587  ,  3.4697907 ,  3.9260025 ,
        5.9538927 ,  5.01324   ,  0.9436598 ,  4.4753027 ,  6.041911  ,
        6.934068  ,  5.07711   ,  4.8284035 ,  8.588112  ,  1.5448952 ,
       10.228043  ,  1.7740676 ,  1.9260607 ,  7.228357  ,  8.549138  ,
        6.3187065 , 12.640233  ,  1.4202797 , 11.316084  ,  7.279161  ,
        4.142191  ,  3.5260372 ,  2.4751165 ,  4.1878905 ,  7.2561064 ,
       11.466655  ,  4.0412    ,  1.946387  ,  7.6451874 , 10.063392  ,
        6.7887535 ,  6.0969815 , 12.194288  ,  8.405164  , 10.297377  ,
        7.8729143 ,  2.699021  ,  4.153112  ,  5.390607  , 10.084627  ,
        3.1376457 ,  2.0847204 ,  9.51324   , 11.786633  ,  3.1671562 ,
        5.3714223 ,  4.1579022 ,  5.4215965 , 14.319791  ,  3.3686714 ,
        4.624697  , 13.882413  , 12.359255  , 10.334114  , 21.119303  ,
        5.0222025 ,  7.4891496 , 11.105817  ,  0.966352  ,  3.1370628 ,
        6.3480887 ,  4.5376463 ,  4.9669466 ,  7.596236  ,  1.2960141 ,
        4.0143824 ,  0.98304194,  9.380851  ,  8.573579  , 11.14049   ,
        4.2023306 , 13.881643  ,  9.043998  ,  9.088369  ,  9.648952  ,
        4.0862937 ,  3.827599  ,  0.41491842,  1.7904428 ,  4.379033  ,
        6.227797  ,  4.3578324 ,  1.9046853 , 12.030944  ,  7.8016205 ,
        5.260373  ,  2.5838928 ,  3.4374127 ,  2.6103146 ,  6.182331  ,
        4.548438  ,  7.4217596 , 12.894266  ,  7.690734  ,  2.6264687 ,
        0.7665617 ,  2.525     ,  7.5979834 ,  5.8932753 ], dtype=float32)
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 3kB 1998-05-01 1998-05-06 ... 2018-07-30
ushear =  ( u.sel(lat=slice(30,28)).mean(axis=(1,2)) -
            u.sel(lat=slice(17,15)).mean(axis=(1,2)) )
ushear_ts = ushear.sel(time=~((ushear.time.dt.month == 2) & (ushear.time.dt.day == 29)))

us_ptd = ushear_ts.coarsen(time=5,side='left', coord_func={"time": "min"}).mean()  # 計算pentad mean
us_ptd_mjj = us_ptd.sel(time=(us_ptd.time.dt.month.isin([5,6,7])))
<xarray.DataArray 'uwnd' (time: 399)> Size: 2kB
array([ 1.08629093e+01,  1.14845448e+01,  1.27180004e+01,  7.67090893e+00,
       -9.08927250e+00,  1.62546352e-01,  6.54854584e+00,  3.03854513e+00,
        1.47341814e+01,  1.10549088e+01,  9.51418018e+00,  1.52740021e+01,
        1.17298174e+01,  2.34254599e+00,  2.37345576e+00,  7.63490915e+00,
        4.29800034e+00,  6.97127247e+00,  4.96727324e+00,  2.77472639e+00,
        1.08218277e+00,  4.87781811e+00,  8.18581676e+00,  1.13078175e+01,
        6.89981747e+00, -2.22527266e+00,  3.71763611e+00,  1.82545400e+00,
        1.15070896e+01,  9.05963612e+00,  1.38921814e+01,  3.99600029e+00,
        5.89817762e-01, -4.41818285e+00,  2.03655250e-02, -1.17494535e+01,
       -5.74236393e+00, -1.61383629e+01,  3.51745367e+00, -4.62781763e+00,
        2.14727211e+00, -1.37327230e+00, -1.08218157e+00,  1.28032742e+01,
        1.37232723e+01,  6.91254520e+00,  1.41690862e+00,  4.48781872e+00,
        1.29796352e+01,  1.31552734e+01, -3.22763681e+00, -1.13463602e+01,
        5.61654615e+00, -1.32600141e+00,  3.53109050e+00, -3.57618141e+00,
       -1.29454046e-01,  3.42327356e+00,  6.09636402e+00,  5.71090996e-01,
        3.73472667e+00,  2.64709067e+00,  4.57490826e+00,  8.40818024e+00,
        7.98672724e+00,  3.31927180e+00,  1.02049084e+01,  7.53345490e+00,
        1.54910917e+01,  1.94982028e+00,  8.39455009e-01, -2.55490899e+00,
       -1.37581897e+00, -6.59454703e-01, -4.54090881e+00, -2.80399990e+00,
        7.21654510e+00,  1.01392727e+01,  8.40781975e+00,  2.78236127e+00,
       -3.35909081e+00, -2.14472914e+00, -1.34690914e+01,  6.40454388e+00,
        8.35018063e+00,  1.52945461e+01,  5.94981766e+00,  4.46163559e+00,
        6.36672592e+00,  1.17292728e+01,  1.14947262e+01,  1.54529085e+01,
        1.32661800e+01,  7.82145548e+00,  1.52783642e+01,  5.10400009e+00,
       -1.55118198e+01, -1.47272739e+01, -6.11872625e+00,  4.78290796e+00,
        7.42691040e+00,  5.28327274e+00,  1.16412716e+01,  1.51381836e+01,
        8.13599968e+00,  2.07236433e+00, -7.25818276e-01,  7.70108938e+00,
        1.57998517e-01,  2.49309182e+00,  7.68818140e+00,  1.67116356e+01,
        1.72925453e+01,  1.54359989e+01,  1.11898193e+01, -3.40909266e+00,
        1.10725451e+01,  1.00247269e+01,  2.75854492e+00,  1.69309044e+00,
       -3.19054580e+00,  5.67236233e+00,  1.40927277e+01,  1.23472738e+01,
        6.06909454e-01, -4.36436462e+00,  3.72109175e+00,  1.00218236e+00,
        8.18345451e+00,  5.64036417e+00, -1.42000675e-01,  1.12516356e+01,
        1.03294554e+01,  1.05718184e+01,  1.32959995e+01,  8.56436348e+00,
        1.11461811e+01,  1.51509058e+00, -1.21736355e+01, -1.27656345e+01,
        1.33679991e+01,  9.29127407e+00,  8.62581921e+00,  7.17381811e+00,
        5.08327198e+00,  8.33309078e+00,  4.55763721e+00, -1.31781673e+00,
       -6.21254635e+00, -6.81823716e-02,  1.00396366e+01,  5.55800009e+00,
       -1.58636284e+00, -2.48218107e+00, -5.53545380e+00, -1.40667267e+01,
       -1.13407259e+01, -6.04981899e+00, -6.60945368e+00], dtype=float32)
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 3kB 1998-05-01 1998-05-06 ... 2018-07-30
    level    float32 4B 850.0

Step 3: Convert the DataArrays to long frame DataFrame, and pass to seaborn for plotting. To plot scatter plot and regression line, use seaborn.regplot.

scatter_df = (xr.merge([pcp_ptd_mjj.rename('pcp'), us_ptd_mjj.rename('ushear')])
pcp level ushear
1998-05-01 4.897017 850.0 10.862909
1998-05-06 7.951888 850.0 11.484545
1998-05-11 6.319289 850.0 12.718000
1998-05-16 2.472541 850.0 7.670909
1998-05-21 5.270350 850.0 -9.089272
... ... ... ...
2018-07-10 2.626469 850.0 -5.535454
2018-07-15 0.766562 850.0 -14.066727
2018-07-20 2.525000 850.0 -11.340726
2018-07-25 7.597983 850.0 -6.049819
2018-07-30 5.893275 850.0 -6.609454

399 rows × 3 columns

from scipy import stats

def corr(x, y):
    return stats.pearsonr(x, y)[0], stats.pearsonr(x, y)[1]

# 計算相關係數和統計顯著性。
r, p = corr(us_ptd_mjj.values, pcp_ptd_mjj.values)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
sns.set_theme(style="white", palette=None)
plot = sns.regplot(x="ushear", y="pcp",
                  ci=95, ax=ax) # ci是信心水準
ax.set_title(f'$R=$ {r:5.3f}, $p=$ {p:8.2e}', loc='right' )  # Correlation coefficient and p-values
Text(1.0, 1.0, '$R=$ 0.394, $p=$ 3.07e-16')

Plotting Wide Form pandas.DataFrame with seaborn#

Example 4: Plot a heat map of pentad mean rainfall percentile ranks (PRs) from April to November in 1998-2020 over the Taiwan-northern South China Sea region (18˚-24˚N, 116˚-126˚E).

lats, latn = 18, 24                  
lon1, lon2 = 116, 126         

pcp = pcpds.sel(time=slice('1998-01-01','2020-12-31'),

pcp_ptd_ts = (pcp.mean(axis=(1,2))
                 .sel(time=~((pcp.time.dt.month == 2) & (pcp.time.dt.day == 29)))
                 .coarsen(time=5,side='left', coord_func={"time": "min"})
pcp_season = pcp_ptd_ts.sel(time=(pcp_ptd_ts.time.dt.month.isin([4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11])))
pcp_rank = pcp_season.rank(dim='time',pct=True) * 100.  # Use `DataArray.rank` to rank. `pct=True` can calculate percentiles. 
pcp_rank_da = xr.DataArray(data=pcp_rank.values.reshape(23,49),  # reshape the array to (year, pentad)
                           dims=["year", "pentad"],
                                      year = range(1998,2021,1),
                                      pentad = range(19,68,1),
<xarray.DataArray 'precip' (year: 23, pentad: 49)> Size: 9kB
array([[2.40461402e+01, 7.98580302e-01, 7.22271517e+01, ...,
        6.67258208e+01, 8.33185448e+01, 3.62910382e+01],
       [3.99290151e+01, 1.87222715e+01, 6.03371783e+01, ...,
        2.72404614e+01, 1.30434783e+01, 7.00976043e+01],
       [4.31233363e+01, 3.47826087e+01, 4.62289264e+01, ...,
        6.34427684e+01, 4.42768412e+01, 6.29991127e+00],
       [8.87311446e-02, 3.44276841e+01, 4.09937888e+01, ...,
        1.56166815e+01, 5.49245785e+01, 3.02573203e+01],
       [4.30346051e+01, 2.66193434e-01, 5.42147294e+01, ...,
        9.13930790e+01, 3.16770186e+01, 1.20674357e+01],
       [4.27684117e+01, 5.04880213e+01, 2.71517303e+01, ...,
        1.48181012e+01, 1.27772848e+01, 4.57852706e+01]])
  * year     (year) int64 184B 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 ... 2017 2018 2019 2020
  * pentad   (pentad) int64 392B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ... 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
pcp_rank_df = pcp_rank_da.to_pandas()
pentad 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ... 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
1998 24.046140 0.798580 72.227152 77.107365 32.475599 68.411713 51.197870 26.086957 45.519077 86.867791 ... 94.942325 43.300799 98.225377 15.527950 66.104703 52.440106 20.585626 66.725821 83.318545 36.291038
1999 39.929015 18.722272 60.337178 5.501331 7.897072 81.366460 70.275067 76.220053 55.723159 49.778172 ... 85.891748 64.951198 10.559006 24.312334 28.748891 13.487134 12.156167 27.240461 13.043478 70.097604
2000 43.123336 34.782609 46.228926 26.974268 34.605146 58.207631 39.219166 4.081633 70.541260 84.117125 ... 69.565217 48.890861 25.554570 96.628217 88.553682 65.838509 65.306122 63.442768 44.276841 6.299911
2001 39.751553 37.267081 37.799468 40.195209 61.579414 22.448980 37.089618 58.385093 92.280390 77.639752 ... 55.989352 5.944987 1.863354 26.619343 15.882875 57.409051 66.637090 6.654836 4.170364 2.040816
2002 4.259095 3.637977 21.916593 6.743567 3.992902 4.702751 0.177462 3.460515 33.895297 79.858030 ... 11.002662 49.423248 43.212067 49.068323 34.072760 50.399290 17.125111 62.999113 26.796806 25.820763
2003 48.003549 56.255546 20.496894 31.322094 78.615794 7.808341 37.533274 6.122449 11.268855 47.914818 ... 44.454303 11.712511 2.750665 61.490683 57.231588 27.861579 64.596273 50.842946 46.140195 8.340728
2004 44.099379 18.367347 21.118012 17.746229 5.678793 8.518190 9.671695 30.434783 19.698314 77.994676 ... 15.705413 38.509317 62.910382 1.685892 3.194321 13.753327 19.343390 42.945874 56.965395 28.926353
2005 7.187223 1.419698 26.264419 8.074534 18.988465 11.801242 17.480035 86.956522 61.668146 27.595386 ... 13.664596 9.405501 29.281278 56.166815 0.976043 42.502218 50.044366 66.015972 33.007986 50.931677
2006 2.218279 15.350488 46.406389 34.960071 19.254658 49.334516 27.950311 3.105590 69.476486 81.543922 ... 5.590062 11.446318 33.984028 87.133984 72.848270 29.547471 35.492458 54.303461 21.827862 33.096717
2007 51.020408 33.185448 5.767524 39.396628 27.772848 13.398403 32.386868 52.706300 30.967169 74.090506 ... 30.612245 12.954747 20.053239 54.835847 91.481810 75.421473 7.364685 25.199645 87.488909 43.833185
2008 12.333629 3.904170 12.599823 48.269743 51.641526 43.389530 46.850044 30.079858 56.433008 71.960958 ... 72.315883 7.630878 14.374445 10.825200 19.964508 93.611358 32.209406 54.037267 62.732919 47.204969
2009 30.700976 38.952972 50.754215 81.721384 90.683230 40.550133 12.688554 55.013310 0.532387 20.763088 ... 59.982254 72.049689 70.629991 33.362910 60.425909 4.525288 48.624667 46.761313 22.626442 19.432121
2010 14.640639 35.314996 32.564330 24.134871 33.629104 76.841171 64.063886 21.472937 24.755989 9.849157 ... 67.701863 96.716948 63.975155 23.336291 78.083407 72.759539 80.745342 36.645963 41.171251 10.204082
2011 10.647737 2.484472 1.153505 58.473824 18.101154 18.012422 10.026619 73.469388 26.530612 86.335404 ... 87.577640 44.986690 29.458740 33.451642 67.435670 94.676131 80.035492 65.572316 50.221828 68.677906
2012 31.588287 36.557232 1.597161 56.699201 22.981366 64.507542 37.976930 19.875776 54.392192 97.249335 ... 13.575865 3.726708 37.444543 59.804791 69.653949 12.244898 52.085182 59.094942 35.758651 39.041704
2013 59.538598 64.685004 31.410825 24.578527 29.724933 57.941437 75.332742 28.305235 66.193434 72.138421 ... 39.840284 14.285714 23.425022 76.929902 48.447205 35.048802 42.857143 23.070098 41.259982 42.058563
2014 49.955634 24.489796 7.275954 0.709849 10.292813 30.346051 64.862467 73.824312 36.202307 37.000887 ... 7.985803 35.403727 34.693878 4.436557 16.592724 9.937888 66.903283 51.286602 16.503993 41.881100
2015 25.643301 42.324756 39.574091 34.871340 41.703638 16.149068 10.115350 59.449867 38.065661 52.883762 ... 52.173913 85.714286 27.417924 17.213842 54.569654 31.144632 20.408163 28.482697 41.614907 25.377107
2016 0.621118 40.638864 67.169476 9.228039 29.192547 37.355812 13.220941 20.230701 50.310559 58.651287 ... 69.387755 80.390417 8.163265 46.938776 14.729370 25.022183 16.770186 45.430346 74.445430 81.810115
2017 19.165927 1.952085 47.116238 26.885537 59.361136 36.379769 10.913931 11.623780 50.133097 95.563443 ... 90.417036 24.667258 11.978705 28.837622 86.069210 64.330080 47.648625 48.802130 46.583851 53.149956
2018 0.088731 34.427684 40.993789 18.456078 37.178350 6.921029 11.091393 65.394854 4.791482 1.064774 ... 46.495120 28.393966 11.357587 91.215617 23.158829 1.774623 16.681455 15.616681 54.924579 30.257320
2019 43.034605 0.266193 54.214729 69.742680 8.606921 29.015084 78.172138 75.865129 47.293700 46.051464 ... 24.223602 14.995563 19.520852 37.888199 88.819876 47.826087 38.243123 91.393079 31.677019 12.067436
2020 42.768412 50.488021 27.151730 1.330967 47.471162 29.103815 3.549246 4.880213 42.590949 89.263531 ... 45.607808 84.472050 79.680568 53.238687 74.001775 76.131322 77.817214 14.818101 12.777285 45.785271

23 rows × 49 columns

The above DataFrame is in a wide form table.

In a long form DataFrame, labels are only stored in the index. In contrast, a wide form DataFrame stores labels in both columns and index, allowing for a two-dimensional representation.

# Plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
ax = sns.heatmap(pcp_rank_df,
                 cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.55, 'extend':'neither'},
ax.set_title("Taiwan-Northern SCS, April to November",loc='left')

Conversion between Long Form and Wide Form#

Use pandas.DataFrame.unstack.

pcp_rank_long = pcp_rank_df.unstack().reset_index(name='PR')
pentad year PR
0 19 1998 24.046140
1 19 1999 39.929015
2 19 2000 43.123336
3 19 2001 39.751553
4 19 2002 4.259095
... ... ... ...
1122 67 2016 81.810115
1123 67 2017 53.149956
1124 67 2018 30.257320
1125 67 2019 12.067436
1126 67 2020 45.785271

1127 rows × 3 columns